Here is the outline for last Sunday's lesson...sorry it has taken a while. School has started! lmh
*This is GOD'S revelation to the APOSTLE JOHN.
*"The time is near..."
-Some say this means that the things described in Revelation are about to happen. (kind of a futuristic idea)
-Some say it references the return of Christ that so many believers waited on. (with emphasis on destruction of the current world and the reign of Christ and His kingdom.)
-Still others say this phrase is a means of hope for the people, calling them to remain faithful in the face of trials. (I tend to hold to this idea.)
*Each of the churches receiving letters were given good news and bad news with the outcomes should they continue or should they return to God.
EPHESUS: Ephesus was known for their hard work and perseverance in the midst of persecution. They did not tolerate wickedness from those in the church and they tested what was taught in order to make sure it followed what they knew to be true about Christ. However, they had forsaken their first love. They forgot what they should have been and the result was dire. They would be stamped out!
SMYRNA: This congregation was afflicted and in poverty, both of which were seen as good and proper things for the church of Christ in that era. But, they had liars in the synagogue. They were told not to fear. Although prison was coming, they would receive a crown of life. (Note: A crown of life seems to us to be a great reward, but for them it probably meant death was coming. In this era and in future generations believers would greet each other saying, "May you receive your crown!" In effect, they were telling their friend, "May you DIE for the sake of Christ!" As a martyr, one who dies for their religious beliefs, they would be seen as heroes and worthy of a "crown.")
PERGAMUM: They has remained true to the name of Christ, and yet they had some serious charges brought against them. They held to false teachings. They were faithful, but to things that weren't true. These false teachings included issues of sexual immorality, food offered to idols, and pagan ideas. If they turned around, they would receive hidden manna and a white stone with a new name on it.
THYATIRA: This church was known for their deeds, love, faith, service, perseverance and growth since initially starting the faith journey. But, they tolerated Jezebel (which means sexual immorality and food for idols). Those who continue will suffer, but thse who return to God wil have authority over nations and the morning star.
SARDIS: A few people in this congregation are worthy and clean, but for the most part, people are doing their own things. They have a reputation for being alive, but they are spiritually dead! If there is no change, destruction will come like a theif in the night. If they do change, their names will be written in the book of life.
PHILADELPHIA: This church kept the word and did not deny the name of Christ. They endured patiently as they were persecuted and as false teachers tried to lead the astray. There is NO bad news mentioned for them!! Their reward will be a crown, the name of God and the new City. They will be a pillar in the new temple.
LAODECIA: This group is neither hot nor cold. In fact, God says he will spew them from his mouth. They have material wealth, but spiritual poverty. There is NO good news for this congregation!! For those who overcome, they will sit at the throne with God. (Note: Being lukewarm was not a good thing. It's like Velveeta. It's good cold..well, some would say....and it's great hot. But room-temperature Velveeta is gross! It is not good for anything. Basically, the church at Laodecia is not good for anything in the spiritual world because they are lukewarm! So, God says he will spew them....which literally means "throw up" or "hurl"......that is how serious God is about being lukewarm!)
All of these churches can teach us something about how we live our lives. Yes, we are looking at the historical and contextual frameworks for Revelation in this series, but we MUST see how it informs our own faith practice as well. So, are our churches mostly filled with the good news or the bad news of these ancient churches? Are our personal lives filled with things God wants or despises? Am I living in a faith of good news, or bad news?
May 2009 be a year of change and growth as you seek to be what God would have you be.
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