Saturday, January 24, 2009

Senior High Sunday School Re-cap: January 18, 2009

Revelation--Part 3

This past week we looked at chapters 4-6. Here's a recap of what we shared.

*A lot is happening at the throne
The throne itself (4:1-3)
Surrounding the throne (4:4-6a)
The center of the throne (4:6b-11)
The Four Creatures
*Flying Eagle

*What is the purpose of the scroll?
-The scroll is held by God. It contains the plans of the world, but no one can open it because no one has the proper credentials.

*The Lion of the tribe of Judah can open the scroll!
-But instead of a lion, John sees a LAMB who is SLAIN. This is JESUS.

*Seal #1---(6:1-2) It is a WHITE HORSE with a CROWN OF CONQUEST. It is a picture of VICTORY.

*Seal #2---(6:3-4) It is a FIERY RED HORSE with the duty to take peace away so humans will kill one another. It is a picture of DESTRUCTION.

*Seal #3---(6:5-6) It is a BLACK HORSE and the rider is holding scales. It is a picture of JUDGMENT.

*Seal #4---(6:7-8) It is a PALE HORSE. The rider’s name is Death and Hades follows close behind. They were given power of 1/4 of the earth to kill by sword, famine, plague and wild beasts. It is a picture of WORLD-WIDE DESTRUCTION.

*Seal #5---(6:9-11) It is a WHITE ROBE given to the people under the altar. (Those who had been slain, or martyred.) It is a picture of HOPE and ENCOURAGEMENT for those facing persecution and death.

*Seal #6---(6:12-17) It is an EARTHQUAKE where the sun turned black, moons turned red, and stars fell from the sky. It is a picture of TOTAL DESTRUCTION. The day of wrath was upon them.

Between the 6th and 7th Seal, John has a vision of 144,000 being sealed. He also sees a great group of people with white robes.

*Seal #7---(8:1) It is SILENCE. This is followed by trumpets, incense and prayers of the saints, and angels who sought to destroy earth with fire from God’s altar. The trumpets begin a series of PLAGUES.

What does all this mean????

*The scroll, which had the seven seals to be opened, held God’s plans for the world. As a means of encouragement, John was saying that rough days are a part of living in this world. If they were faithful and persevered, one day God’s plans for the world would become a reality. Ultimately, they were also encouraged to know that what was happening to them was not what God had originally designed for the world....when sin entered the world, these plan could not be put in place immediately. So, the Christians in the Roman Empire were hopeful that one day God's good and perfect plans for the world would be reality....on the other side of their present sufferings.

For tomorrow, read Revelation 8-11.

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