Friday, January 23, 2009

Another Week...

Well, another week has come and gone (at least in school terms) and life has gotten busy. REALLY BUSY! I've already had one group presentation and have two more (all in the same class, mind you) in the next two weeks. That doesn't include the major projects, papers and presentations in my other two classes. All that said, I am trying to figure out the secret to "time-management"...if you have the secret, help me out!

Also, have you ever noticed how often we react to situations in poor ways when some good time management would help? I am usually the worst at procrastination. Really, I am. But so far this semester, I am fairly close to the mark in my reading. I am not stressed out (well, at least I don't know it yet...I always feel the stress long before I know it is neck and shoulders tell me!). Hopefully I am learning to procrastinate when it comes to procrastination...meaning, I'm getting stuff done when I should. We will see as the semester goes forward.

What things stress you out the most? How do you deal with stress? Or do you deal with it?


PS. Tomorrow I will post the Sunday school info from last week. It takes a while to post and I don't have that much time tonight.

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