Saturday, December 17, 2011

Another Set of Goals...

Every year I set some goals at the onset of the calendar. 2012 will be no different. Below I will list several goals I want to accomplish and then I'll check in periodically and let you know how I'm doing.

1. Work through health issues - 2011 has been the year for wacky, crazy, but non-life-threatening medical issues. A bad abdominal pain that was diagnosed as colon spasms. An eternal (4 month) upper respiratory infection (along with some bronchitis). Bad reaction to meds for my lungs that is causing fairly significant leg pain: hips, knees, feet, tendonitis, cramps, general pain that leads to difficulty in sitting and lying down. Then, a diagnosis of asthma. So, this year, lose weight to help with all that and do what it takes to get back to where I was six months ago.

2. Read - 75 books already on my list. Hope to be much closer in 2012 than in 2011. About 35 books in 2011.

3. Barth Reading - I'm going to be faithful to read through the Dogmatics. I was going to do this in 2011, but quickly gave up. I'm going to push through in 2012 and 2013 to read through the entire work. About 15 pages a day.

4. Engage in intentional community - FCC has some amazing young adults that have started coming. We are meeting once a month to eat and share life and prayer and community. Also, a new group of young adults have started gathering for what we call "Faith on Tap." We meet once a month and talk about faith and how to live out our particular brand of faith in the world. This is good, healthy, life-giving community.

I could go on and on about goals, but four seems to be a good number to actually attempt.

Now off to see how much of 2011's goals I can manage to squeeze in before the clock strikes midnight.

Grace and peace.

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