Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What dies inside...

"The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives."--Albert Schweitzer

What is in danger of dying inside you? Is it courage? Hope? Love? What will it take for you, for me, to keep from dying while we yet live?

What are your thoughts?

Monday, October 22, 2007

So begins a blogging journey...

I have never been one to journal and reflect on things in writing. However, I am finding that I am reading more and more insights written by friends through blogs. So I figured I'd jump in on the action, even though I am years behind this technology thing!

My goal is to use this to primarily encourage the students in my Sunday School class. I want to challenge them and give them things to chew on during the week. I always appreciate people who ask deep questions and share profound understandings. Although my questions may not be too deep and my understanding is not profound, I hope to provide a means for getting teens to think about life, love, friendships, faith and God.

So, here begins a journey...are you up for the ride??