Thursday, January 28, 2010

Checking in on Goals

We are now a little more than 3 weeks into 2010 and I have already heard some folks say they have given up on their New Year's Resolutions. In light of that, I decided to revisit the things I set out here and see how I am doing.

1. I have already finished 8 books and have three more going right now.

2. Umm...this one is seriously lacking. While it's not an excuse, my hip has been really hurting. That said, I did really good until the last five days with doing squats. I am up to 137!! --On another note, I have decided to adjust my diet as well. I am now eating AT LEAST 1500 calories less a day and that also means I have cut my fat gram intake by at least half!

3. I have not spent much time with people at all, but when I have....well, in a word...FAIL.

4. No writing yet. Maybe this week.

5. I am eating at home a lot more (see #2) and am trying to cut back on other things that waste money. I want to downsize to maximize my ability to give to others.

6. Not yet.

7. YES! I have started working on some ideas and doing some research on transformative learning and the role training plays in it becoming a reality. We'll see how it goes from here.

In a nutshell, I have not completely fallen off the bandwagon, but there is definite room for improvement. I'll keep you posted.

Grace and Peace.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Gospel According to LOST

I must admit that I have not actually ever watched an episode of LOST. However, I am a huge fan of Chris Seay so I read The Gospel According to LOST in an effort to support him. I was pleasantly surprised that his book grabbed me and spoke volumes to me even though I am not a loyal follower of the Losties.

Seay breaks the book up into character analyses. Each chapter gives a bit of background on the character and the ways in which biblical themes are portrayed through said character's interactions with the Losties, the Others and the Island. He then asks questions about how those themes and characteristics might be a part of the reader's life. This helps to draw non-Losties into the story and into a new understanding of the world.

I found myself really enjoying the book because I was able to see how I could fit into a larger narrative. The pointed questions about themes and issues found in the series allowed me to reflect on my own actions. I spent some time evaluating relationships, leadership, learning and faith as I dialogued with Seay and the characters in LOST.

I would recommend this book for people who are Losties and those who are interested in the relationship between pop culture and faith. This review is part of the Book Review Bloggers program with Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Sweet By and By

I found The Sweet By and By, written by award winning artist Sara Evans, to be a wonderfully delightful read. It centers around a family that has estrangements from one another and their journey to reconciliation. This all begins when Jade decides to send a wedding invitation to her mother with who she has not spoken in some time. The story follows their relationships and the relationships they have with others.
I thought the book was well written, especially for a first time novelist. Her approach to language helped me to envision and understand the characters. It is often hard to make people real without making them cheesy or trite. However, Evans does a good job in avoiding this situation.
I would recommend this book for high school and above because of some of the content involved in the story line. While none of it is offensive, some issues addressed are deep, complex and for a more mature reading audience. That said, it was an easy, fun read that deserves a wide audience and even wider reading. I commend Evans for her work and look forward to more of her writing in the future.
I posted this as a Book Review Blogger for Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Reading List

Lately I've been reading a great deal in preparation for the "Imaginative Reading for Creative Preaching" retreat this next week at Camp Chrysalis in Kerrville, Texas. I decided it would be a good idea to let you know what I have read and what we will be discussing while there.

1. The Grapes of Wrath--John Steinbeck

2. Silence--Shusaku Endo

3. Girl Meets God--Lauren Winner

4. Mariette in Ecstasy--Ron Hansen

5. Salvation on Sand Mountain--Dennis Covington

6. Compass of Affection--Scott Cairns

7. The Road Not Taken--Robert Frost

8. God:Stories--c. Michael Curtis

These cover a wide range of styles and approaches to mostly the human journey of faith and life. Except for The Grapes of Wrath, all of these reads include some form of religious searching. It is fascinating to me that so many approaches can be taken in humans' attempts to understand the divine. They have opened my eyes and mind to diverse forms of worship and expression of faith. Hopefully, this next week will only cause that openness to grow.

Grace and Peace.