Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pastoral Care

The past couple of weeks my pastor has been out of town for various reasons. She completed her second week of classroom work for her DMin at Brite Divinity School. And, she welcomed her first grandchild into the world this last Tuesday. Benjamin Thomas Coyle is doing well and is loved beyond what he knows.

So, while she's been learning and loving, I've been holding down the fort at the church. That means lots of pastoral care. We've had several people in the hospital and several more who are recovering from major medical procedures.

I've learned one major thing in this process. Something that I knew (in my head), but hadn't ever really practiced. Sometimes people just need to talk. And, they need someone to listen.

So, slow down and take time to really be present to people. Listen to what they say and what they don't say. Let them tell their story. That is as much pastoral care as praying or sitting with someone at the hospital or comforting someone after the loss of a loved one.


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