Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Goals in 2010

Well, it's the end of December so I thought it might be good to look back at the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year. It's a mixed bag this time around. I accomplished some and came close on others (or am actively working on them); other goals are a complete wash.

So here is the verdict:

1. Reading books---As of December 28, I have read 51 books. My goal for the year was 52. Consider it completed! (I have three I am currently working on and should have at least one finished before Saturday rolls around.)

2. Work out---fail.

3. Spend time with people---I'm still learning how to do this, but find myself really working to focus on them instead of the five million other things during the conversation. So, making progress.

4. Journal and write---for the most part, fail. I haven't done much creative expression work. A couple of sermons, yes. Lessons for youth, yes. But not much in the way of my intention.

5. Work to simplify finances---Working on it. Credit card is less than at the beginning of the year. I am gainfully employed, and living with my folks where I am only paying a few bills (my phone, insurance, credit card, etc). So, this one is in the "making progress stage, too.

6. Free entertainment--In spite of my pastor/boss telling me to "get a life," I have done okay in this realm. Watched movies in the park over the summer, read books from the library, gotten 300 free fluff books with my kindle apps (notice they are free too!) and watched my youth play soccer and band instruments throughout the fall. So, I say, completed.

7. I've thought a good bit about starting a DMin program, especially since Charlotte began her DMin at Brite this fall. However, I'm still debating topics, emphases and even schools at this point. So, making progress.

So, the total.

2=completed! 3=making progress! 2=fail.

But, that's okay. I have made some good strides and hope I am better for it. Hang around the next few days to see the goals for 2011.

grace and peace.

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