Monday, May 3, 2010

Plan B--by Pete WIlson

I recently read Pete Wilson’s new book, Plan B. I have been looking forward to this book because of my admiration and appreciation for Pete and his ministry at Cross Point Church. He is a master communicator and leader in a thriving, growing congregation.
As he reflects on his own life journey and the journeys of people in his ministries, he answers the questions we often ask God. –Where are You? Why is this happening to me? Do You care? Can You hear me? How could this happen to us?—Wilson takes a look at what happens when God shows up in ways we don’t expect, or in ways we don’t understand.
I found myself reflecting on how God has moved in my own life through some amazing times and some rough times. I was able to process some events in new ways because I was able to look at the situation from a fresh perspective, thanks to Pete’s thought provoking questions and challenges. It has truly been helpful to my spiritual journey.
While I applaud his use of real life examples, from his own life and the lives of people in his congregation, I was a bit hesitant with his use of names. (That said, knowing a bit about Pete, I am positive he got permission for each story and name he used!) It just left me with an uneasy feeling, like I was spying on someone I had no business spying on. Again, that is my own reservation and not an accusation of wrongdoing!
I loved the study guide/questions at the end of the book. In fact, I could very easily use this book as a launching point for developing deep, meaningful community in a couple of my church’s small groups. It wouldn’t work for every group, but it has great potential for bringing about healing, growth and understanding for some.
I have been a long time fan of Pete Wilson, and his book, Plan B, only serves to encourage my desire to support him.

This book review is written as a part of the BookSneeze blogger program. I received a free copy of Plan B for the expressed purpose of reviewing it for my blog. I received no money or other compensation except the book, as noted.

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