Sunday, November 21, 2010

"What is that?!?"

This morning I was unusually tired, and knew that this day held lots of high energy situations. Sunday school, worship, board meeting, delivery of Thanksgiving baskets, dinner with my junior high youth. I generally enjoy all of these things, but when I'm tired, they can become chores instead of ministry.

So, I did what any sane person would do. I found caffeine.

Normally I'm a Diet Coke junkie! I mean, a real junkie. I wake up and head for a Diet Coke. I eat lunch with a Diet Coke. I even end my day with a Diet Coke. But today, I needed more lead than a Diet Coke can offer. I reached for the Mountain Dew.

As I sat down at the table for lunch and our board meeting, I was asked, "Lory! What is that?!" It was my drink. My peel-paint-off-the-walls-yellow drink. And, so the conversation about my caffeine consumption began.

I admit it. I have an addiction to Diet Coke. It's not because it's diet. Really, it's not. I am one of those weird people who actually like the taste better. I've been drinking it since I was in the 3rd grade (except for a four year hiatus from all soda!). I like it. No, I may actually LOVE it.

So, I am enjoying this night (after putting in 9 hours of my 20 hours for the week today) with a Diet Coke. First one of the day.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lol, this reminded me of Ian :)