Monday, November 15, 2010

I Love Apples!

Once in a while I find something I really, REALLY love. Some times the infatuation goes just as quickly as it comes. For example, toe socks. (Not that I wore any, EVER! But I do love socks...ask my parents about my Christmas list the last 20 years!) Other times, the desire for whatever object lasts and finds its way into the category of "I love that!" Or, maybe into the category of addiction.

And, I have decided that Honeycrisp Apples fit that category. They are sweet and a bit tart; filling, but just enough. That is, unless you add a big heaping spoon of Nutella on the plate as well. Apples are good for you. Nutella, not so much. Although, I would like to point out that Nutella does have hazelnuts (at least 50 per jar), skim milk and a touch of cocoa, even though the first ingredent is sugar.

The apples I get are huge. Right at a pound each! I can cut them into at least 20 pieces before devouring them with the sweet treat that provides some additional yummy-ness. There is way more than I need, even though apples are technically good for me. But, I love them. I love the taste. It's instant gratification for my tastebuds. I love the combination of the tart fruit and the sugary dip. Even writing about it has my mouth watering!

But, the reality is, I may love apples too much! Because they are huge, I eat way more than I should. I figure I should eat what's on my plate, and I put the whole thing on there. I don't stop until I finish it all. I love the satifaction of taking an empty plate back into the kitchen.

While that sounds good, at least to my mother, I end up feeling worse than I did before I started. I am miserable and regretting my decision to eat the entire thing, to take in the entire experience of savoring the most perfect fruit ever made. Yet, when the next day arrives, I forget the pain and misery as I remember the explosion of taste in my mouth. And so, I jump in again to eat an entire Honeycrisp apple with a big spoonful of Nutella.

I love apples. I love Nutella. I love them together, but I don't love the feeling after eating a full plate. The question is how I can enjoy their goodness without going overboard. We'll see if I can figure out the balance between the good gift of fruit and the poison of too much goodness.


Jennifer said...

I love honeycrisp apples, too - the huge ones - but they give me horrible heartburn! And yet I still eat them anyway because I love them so much. I'll have to try them with Nutella. Maybe that'll take the acidic edge off.

Lory said...

If the Nutella doesn't work, we have also tried them with whipped cream cheese and brown sugar.