Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Today is New Year's Eve, the traditional day that many people commit to doing better and being better in the next year. For me, this year marks the last year in my 20's. I'm thinking I need to work on some things before I hit 30 and the time has come. It's now or never. So, here are some of my goals for 2011.

1. Get healthy. Well, this may be a life long thing, but I need to eat better and work out regularly and take control back. (Even though I have an issue with wanting too much control!)

2. Read widely. I want to read at least 75 books in 2011. I have almost 300 in the archives on my Kindle account, and the library has several more on my list.

3. Finances. Live simply in order to give more.

4. Writing. I want to write more and this blog is one way. Expect a post at least once a week on what I'm reading or doing or what's going on in life

5. Professional growth. I am committing to enter a mentoring program with True Course Ministries out of Waco, Texas. Michael Godfrey is a wise man who has been in ministry for more than 30 years and I look forward to learning from him.

6. Getting a life. My pastor, whom I love and respect more than she knows, told me one day to "get a life." By that she meant, get out in the community, enjoy life, experience things, have fun. She was right. I need to do that more often. And, I need to intentionally build community with people that are in my age range. I spend a lot of time with a lot of people, but very few are in the 20's-30's range. Here's to life!

I think that may be more than enough for 2011. I have a lot of ministry goals as well, but I want to have a record of the personal ones as well. I'll check back in every so often to let you know how I'm doing on them.

Grace and peace.

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