Thursday, June 10, 2010

Goals Checking In...

Okay. Once again, I am checking in on goals I set at the beginning of the year.

1. I've read around 25 books (or long articles) so far this year. I have another couple that I've started and four or five that I need to read and get back to where they belong.

2. Fail. Although, I have been hitting golf balls regularly now that I'm at home.

3. This is coming along. In fact, I spent some good, quality time with two dear friends in the last week.

4. Writing is not my greatest love, but I am always thinking that I should write. Hopefully more will come in the next few weeks.

5. Yes. I have a job, and while part-time, it is mor than I was making not working. And, I'm living with my parents for a while to help save money.

6. Yes. The City of Paris hosts several free events in the summer, including Movies in the Park. Tonight we are watching Karate Kid!

7. Haven't worked on this in a while, but my pastor, Charlotte Coyle, will being her D.Min. this fall, so I am eager to see her process and progress through the program. Super proud of her!!

I will check in on these in a few weeks, after I survive camp!


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