Thursday, January 28, 2010

Checking in on Goals

We are now a little more than 3 weeks into 2010 and I have already heard some folks say they have given up on their New Year's Resolutions. In light of that, I decided to revisit the things I set out here and see how I am doing.

1. I have already finished 8 books and have three more going right now.

2. Umm...this one is seriously lacking. While it's not an excuse, my hip has been really hurting. That said, I did really good until the last five days with doing squats. I am up to 137!! --On another note, I have decided to adjust my diet as well. I am now eating AT LEAST 1500 calories less a day and that also means I have cut my fat gram intake by at least half!

3. I have not spent much time with people at all, but when I have....well, in a word...FAIL.

4. No writing yet. Maybe this week.

5. I am eating at home a lot more (see #2) and am trying to cut back on other things that waste money. I want to downsize to maximize my ability to give to others.

6. Not yet.

7. YES! I have started working on some ideas and doing some research on transformative learning and the role training plays in it becoming a reality. We'll see how it goes from here.

In a nutshell, I have not completely fallen off the bandwagon, but there is definite room for improvement. I'll keep you posted.

Grace and Peace.

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