Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pastoral Care

The past couple of weeks my pastor has been out of town for various reasons. She completed her second week of classroom work for her DMin at Brite Divinity School. And, she welcomed her first grandchild into the world this last Tuesday. Benjamin Thomas Coyle is doing well and is loved beyond what he knows.

So, while she's been learning and loving, I've been holding down the fort at the church. That means lots of pastoral care. We've had several people in the hospital and several more who are recovering from major medical procedures.

I've learned one major thing in this process. Something that I knew (in my head), but hadn't ever really practiced. Sometimes people just need to talk. And, they need someone to listen.

So, slow down and take time to really be present to people. Listen to what they say and what they don't say. Let them tell their story. That is as much pastoral care as praying or sitting with someone at the hospital or comforting someone after the loss of a loved one.


Monday, January 17, 2011

And the verdict......

Keeping up with the goals I set for myself has already proved to be a challenge. It's only two and half weeks in, and I've missed some this early in the process!!

1. I've done a decent job of eating at home. I told my dad I was going to forget Sonic runs in the afternoons during 2011 as his birthday present for 2010. Actually, it was about all eating out, unless it was a planned event, like Clergy Girls or a ministry appointment or family dinner. You get the point....I've eaten fast food a couple of times and only been to Sonic once for a Diet Coke since Christmas.

2. I have been so busy with work the last three weeks that I have barely touched reading. I am currently working through Booker T. Washington's autobiography, Up From Slavery. And, I'm slowly making my way through Karl Barth's Church Dogmatics...very, VERY slowly. I should have at least three books finished; my count is zero. It will come.

3. I have paid down a good bit on debt this month, thanks to Christmas cash. Due to the rise in federal withholding taxes this year, I am bringing home less than last year...yes, even with the tax cut. The rise is bigger than the cut for me.....

4. I said I was going to post weekly on here in order to keep up with writing. Well, I haven't posted here, but I have been writing. I wrote a sermon for January 9th along with a communion meditation. Then, at 10:30pm Saturday the 15th, I got a call that our guest preacher was sick. So, I wrote a sermon and delivered it in less than 12 hours! That in addition to another communion meditation. And, I'm the guest speaker at our Disciples Women's Ministry General Meeting tomorrow, so more writing. Lots of writing, just not much posting. You can link to the sermon manuscripts here.

5. I am talking with a good friend and seminary professor at the end of this week to talk about some continuing professional growth opportunities. And, On January 29th, I will be traveling with a group from my church to an all day workshop in the Dallas area. I'm looking forward to it.

6. Ministry has been so busy with programs starting back up, extra responsibilities while Charlotte has been gone for continuing ed (two weeks ago) and vacation this week (to see her first grandchild born, sometime in the next 24 hours!), a funeral, surprise preaching engagements, etc. that life outside of work has been put on hold. However, I did meet my cousin for a cup of really good coffee in Downtown Paris last week. It was good to catch up and just sit for a while. --I might also add that I've had pneumonia for a chunk of this time, and a sinus infection that's flaring up again. Busy, busy, busy.

For now, I'm going to enjoy my mac and cheese, watered down Diet Coke and a good night's sleep.
